
Reliable approach to measure the functionality of microbial community

Microorganisms are present in virtually all environments and are typically the first organisms to react to chemical and physical changes in the environment. Changes in microbial communities are often a precursor to changes in the health and viability of the environment as a whole.

This approach, called community-level physiological profiling, has been demonstrated to be effective at distinguished spatial and temporal changes in microbial communities. In applied ecological research, the MicroPlates are used as both an assay of the stability of a normal population and to detect and assess changes following the onset of an environmental variable.

Researchers have used this approach for years in numerous applications including:

Analyzing microbial population in soil
Water and wastewater testing
Activated sludge, compost, and industrial waste testing
Bioremediation and effects of toxic chemicals
The utility of the information has been documented in over 500 publications using Biolog technology to analyze microbial communities. Visit Biolog’s bibliography.


Biotrex is our technology of choice for analysing soils and composts. The 95 sources of carbon that can be evaluated provide a comprehensive outlook on the whole microbial community. It can be used to perform comparisons and detect even slight changes in microbiome balance. The BIOTREX index scale can provide insight into the current state of the microbiome.


BIOTREX 31 is a simplified version of the BIOTREX 95 technology, which uses a plate with 31 carbon sources to provide a fast overview of the ecosystem.

Why Functional Diversity is an Important Factor for Biological Soil Health?

Functional diversity plays a vital role in maintaining the health of soil ecosystems. It encompasses the variety and abundance of different microbial species and their functions within the soil.

Increasing functional diversity brings forth a range of benefits that can be categorized as follows:
1. Decomposition and Carbon Sequestration:
A diverse microbial community efficiently decomposes organic matter, including plant residues and other organic materials. This decomposition process not only releases nutrients but also contributes to the formation of humus, a stable organic component in the soil. Humus acts as a carbon sink, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and helping mitigate climate change. By promoting diverse microbial activities, functional diversity aids in the efficient breakdown of organic matter, nutrient release, and the long-term storage of carbon in the soil.
2. Increased Nutrient Availability:
The presence of diverse microorganisms in the soil enhances nutrient availability and promotes efficient cycling. These microorganisms play a vital role in mineralizing organic nutrients, making them easily accessible to plants for uptake. By improving the availability of specific nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and micronutrients, functional diversity enhances plant nutrition and overall plant health, leading to improved growth, productivity, and nutrient utilization.

3. Effective Pest and Disease Control:
A diverse soil microbiome fosters biological defense mechanisms against pests and diseases. Certain microorganisms act as natural antagonists to harmful pathogens or pests, protecting plant health without the need for excessive pesticide use. This promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly pest and disease management practices.
4.Improved Soil Structure and Stability:
Different microbial species play a significant role in soil aggregation and the formation of a stable soil structure. This leads to improved soil stability, reduced erosion risks, and enhanced root growth and penetration. Additionally, a diverse microbial community contributes to the formation of soil aggregates that retain water, thereby increasing water-holding capacity and reducing the risks of both drought and waterlogging.

Emphasizing and promoting functional diversity in soil ecosystems is crucial to prevent the loss of beneficial microorganisms. It helps preserve the long-term health and productivity of soils, ensuring sustainable agricultural practices and environmental resilience.
The soil is like a machine whose efficient operation enables the production of plants.
The heart of every machine is the engine.
In the case of soil, this engine is microorganisms - bacteria and fungi.

The soil engine also needs fuel

The soil engine will not work if we do not provide it with the right fuel. In the case of bacteria and fungi, it is organic matter, i.e. plant residues, straw, compost, manure, humic acids, etc.

A weak engine translates into the efficiency of the entire crop. Organic matter will not be converted into nutrients available to plants. It will be necessary to feed the plants with mineral fertilizer.

Low biodiversity is a good environment for the development of pathogens, so the costs of plant protection products and spraying are increasing.

In addition, the straw lies in the field for another month and does not want to decompose - you will need to use a special bacterial preparation to speed up the decomposition process.
We conduct numerous projects with farmers and companies in the search for practices and products that have a beneficial effect on the soil and the efficiency of cultivation.
Check out the Projects tab, where we publish the most interesting results.